Level: B1-C2, Cultures theme, regional customs, cultural comparisons, globalization, summer semester. A previous day followed by a discussion on the Day of the Dead with a video presentation van “La Catrina Canta”. The speakers are our course leaders for singing and music Patricia Trujano Granados and Alexander Uhl. Tuesday 03. November one 11 clock, Accord Academy with online broadcast. the Sign up is possible here.

The Day of the Dead (day of the dead) is an integral part of Mexican culture and an important holiday, where the dead are remembered. It is celebrated on the eve of All Saints Day(31. October) until the commemoration of All Souls' Day 2. November. The day before the festival is presented and comparisons are made to other cultures. It should also be about the displacement of the traditional festival, similar to the celebrations of All Saints' Day in Austria, through the commercial orientation of the Halloween festival.
The customs for the Day of the Dead became 2003 declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO and 2008 in theRepresentative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity taken over.
The Day of the Dead is not a day of mourning. Rather, it is a colorful one, sometimes also an exuberant party. The streets are decorated with flowers, the bright orange onesCempasuchil and colorful altars commemorate the deceased. The various musical traditions for the Day of the Dead will also be presented. According to ancient Mexican belief, the dead come to visit from the afterlife once a year at the end of the harvest season and celebrate a happy reunion with the living together with music, Dance and good food.

You can see the image of Calavera Catrina everywhere. Catrina is a mostly derogatory term for a wealthy person. The figure was probably created by the Mexican engraver José Guadalupe Posada, to make fun of the pre-revolutionary Mexican upper class. At least since the painter Diego Rivera La Catrina in his picture Sunday reverie in the Alameda eternalized, the figure became a general Mexican cultural asset.
Then video premiere of:
La Catrina Canta
Life: Patricia Trujano Granados
accordion, Bass: Juan Carlos Paniagua
violin: Daniel Arias
Text and music, guitar: Alexander Uhl