ÖSD- and ART exams

News ÖSD exams in January

Sign up
the Sign up is here online possible.

Start of examination

Please come on the day of the exam, Friday, 22. January 2021, in time: 9.00: A2- and B2 level
9.30 clock: B1-Level
9.45 clock: C1-Level

Exam location
Ebendorferstraße 8, 1. Stock 1010 Wien, Edith Stein House

Model tests
Please also visit www.osd.at for more information, News ÖSD exams in January- News ÖSD exams in January!

Use of dictionaries / resources
no dictionaries: no dictionaries: no dictionaries:
monolingual and bilingual dictionary: monolingual dictionary:
monolingual dictionary:
Level: News ÖSD exams in January: News ÖSD exams in January: B1 ZDÖ
Level: News ÖSD exams in January: News ÖSD exams in January: News ÖSD exams in January
Other aids incl. electronic dictionaries are not permitted.

Bring along on the day of the exam
You must have your passport or other government-issued photo ID on the day of the exam, and dictionaries (see above) bring along. Keep that in mind, Take a drink or something to eat with you.

Examination process
A1 = 1,0 Hour A2 = 1,5 Hours B1 = 2,5 Hours B2 = 3,5 Hours C1 and C2 = 4,0 hours
Various breaks are planned depending on the length.

Oral exam
This usually takes place immediately after the written exam; Start ab ca. 13.00 clock
You will find out the exact date of your oral exam on the day after your written exam.

You will receive this approximately 2 Weeks after the exam! You will usually receive your test result no later than the Tuesday after the test. Preliminary examination certificates for submission to universities or. at other institutions are issued in justified cases!

Change of registration / deregistration
Please note the An- and cancellation deadlines!
Registrations by Friday, 8. January 2021
Change / de-registration until Wednesday, 20. January 2021 only with 10% Cancellation fee no changes / de-registrations from Thursday 21. January 2021

News ÖSD exams in January
News ÖSD exams in January 2 Days (21. News ÖSD exams in January 22. January 2021) News ÖSD exams in January, News ÖSD exams in January, News ÖSD exams in January: News ÖSD exams in January.

We wish you every success with your exams on Friday, 22. January 2021

Your Accord team