Information about the exams and courses: We wish everyone a happy new year! We sincerely hope, that it brings positive things back with it and that we can regain a piece of normality.
We too are starting the new season with a breath of fresh air: with our ÖSD exams on 15. January and on 12. Fever, as well as with the new B1, B2 and C1 courses in January.
On Thursday, the 6. In January, the government is to present the new timetable for the corona pandemic. It seems like, the exams can be carried out regularly. If it is possible, we will also do our courses in small groups (up to 5 persons) and continue with 2G. More information will follow shortly.
ÖSD exams on 15. January and on 12. Fever
Detailed Information about our exams can be found in the news.
With 22. November entered the 5. Covid-19 Emergency Measures Ordinance (5. Covid-19-NotMV) in force. But we are very happy to be able to inform you, that our ÖSD exams on 15. January take place as planned.
German courses in small groups
For those interested, for reasons that cannot be postponed, like for a visa, for studies or for work, need a German course as soon as possible, we are offering courses from the end of January. The legal situation allows lessons with 2G under certain conditions. For safety reasons, lessons are only held in very small groups, 3-5 persons, held.
Further information follows, as soon as the legal situation is specified. This is expected on Thursday, the 6. January happened. The applicable rules can be found on the Page of the Federal Ministry for social, Bless you, Care and consumer protection.
theSign up to the course is contactlesshere possible. For more information, we are of course also available by phone at +43 681 104 494 06 orby E-Mail available.