Accord-Quiz: listen! These words are not that easy to write. can you do it? (B1-C2)

You could pass this quiz from a level of B1. But I'm sure higher levels will have fun with it too. Because these words are not that easy to write. All words are from vocabulary B1, but belong to the list of words, which are very often misspelled.

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Created by Alexander Uhl

Accord-Quiz: listen: These words are not that easy to write. Schaffst du's?

1 / 12

Hear and write the word: It comes from the Latin and means attack..

2 / 12

If something attractive, is captivating, then it is....?

3 / 12

What is this synonym for apparatus, Automatic, Device?

4 / 12

5 / 12

6 / 12

How do you spell this synonym for electronic mail?

7 / 12

If the post is a little bigger, then you send a...?

8 / 12

A condition or basis is also called...?

9 / 12

If I have an invoice in "Cash" settle, then this is one....

10 / 12

The place, where you usually hang up your jacket in the anteroom, is called...?

11 / 12

12 / 12


hear the word: how do you spell it? First you have to think, then I come to one....?